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Sandra Shiwani van Doesburg



Kanchan Burathoki


“I wish I did not have to look like me. Is this why everyone looks at me differently?” Lysan’s nervous thoughts at the beginning of kindergarten change when she meets a new friend! A poetic, vibrant picture book that celebrates the journey of self-discovery

Age Group:

Ages 4 - 8


Early Picture book


Number of Pages:

32 (Including Cover)

254 x 203mm landscape





  • Soft Cover: The soft cover (paperback) variant is light, compact and easily transportable, able to be bent and stuffed into the corner of a bag. 


    Hard Cover: This is the strong and classic option. They are more durable and their look and feel due to superior print quality make this variant an excellent choice for a gift. 

* Shipping costs and estimated delivery time

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