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Our QueRy Van™

By integrating "Query and Quick Response Codes", we would like to further engage our readers with the characters and the worlds within our books

How it all works

Scan QR

Scan the QR Van
and visit the QR archives

Learn Characters

Learn about your
favourite characters


Share with your friends
the more you know
the more you grow

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Query Van

Our QueRy Vans have been busy gathering both informative and entertaining tidbits for you. We're certain that there's something new for you to find out.

By learning more about the characters in our stories, we hope that you will feel connected to our stories and also empathise with situations that you may not experience.

Hop onto our QueRy Van and enjoy the ride!

Our Books

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Hop on to Explore

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Hop on to Explore

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Hop on to Explore

* Currently available in English

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fun and games to share!

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